Directed by Saric Andreasyan and starring Anton Pampushny, Sanjar Madiev, Sebastian Sisak, Alina Lanina and Stanislav Shirin, the stylish trailer certainly takes its mutant cues from the X-Men franchise but with a distinctive Euro flair. Its heroic characters include Argus, a man with shapeshifting abilities; Han, a martial artist with the power to control wind; Ksenia, a woman who can transform her body into water; and Ler, a man who can harness the forces of earth. The CGI looks impressive enough and we're anxious to see more footage and stills as its release date comes closer in 2016.
During the Cold War, a secret organization “Patriot” has created a squad of superheroes, which included participants from various Soviet republics. For years, the heroes had to hide their identity, but in hard times, they again take the case.
Have a look at Guardians' moody preview and let us know if it soothes your ruffled superhero soul.
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