Guardians revolves around a team of four Soviet Union-era superheroes who were created during the Cold War and represent different nationalities and core traditions of the USSR. The film is a bit of a black sheep when it comes to aping the thematic tradition established by the likes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC Extended Universe, in the States. For better or for worse, Andreasyan’s film is a marvel in its own right, and the production’s first official domestic trailer (see above) is now online.
In the footage featured above, distributor turbofilms promises plenty of hyperbolic action sequences to match the likes of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and the DCEU, in addition to certain intimated sequences of governmental diplomacy reminiscent of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the MCU. Despite suffering from some potentially distracting English language voice-over dubbing, Guardians looks to fill the gap when it comes to producing superhero movies created outside of an American national identity.
Granted, Andreasyan’s new film doesn’t look to hold much inherent novelty for those already thoroughly invested in the likes of the MCU and/or DCEU, but it does offer something of a cinematic attraction in the same vein as this summer’s Sharknado: The 4th Awakens. It might not be as pretty as some of its superhero movie brethren, but Guardians does look like a lot of fun, so long as the viewer doesn’t take anything about the production too seriously.
Guardians will see theatrical release in the U.S. sometime in 2017. It opens in Russia on February 23rd, 2017.
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