What is next for the Underworld Franchise? - The Hottest
"Underworld: Blood Wars" is an upcoming 2017 American action horror film directed by Anna Forester. It is the fifth installment in the Underworld franchise and sequel to "Underworld: Awakening" which was release back in 2012. Kate Beckinsale once again reprises her role as Selene. The main cast also includes Theo James, Tobias Menzies, Trent Garrett, Lara Pulver, Peter Anderson, Clementine Nicholson, Brent James and Charles Dance.
According to the released film synopsis for the upcoming action horror movie, the "Underwold: Blood Wars," will follow the story of the Vampire death dealer Selene (Kate Beckinsale) as she fends off brutal attacks from both the Lycan clan and the Vampire faction that betrayed her. With her only allies David (Theo James) and his father Thomas (Charles Dance), she must stop the external war between the Lycans and Vampires, even if it means she has to make the ultimate sacrifice.
With that said the upcoming fifth installment of the action horror franchise "Underworld: Blood Wars" features a stellar cast. It will led by Kate Beckinsale (Selene) and Theo James (David). Other cast members are Tobias Menzies (Marius), Trent Garett (Michael Corvin), Lara Pulver ( Semira), Peter Anderson (Vidar), Clementine Nicholson (Lena), Charles Dance (David), James Faulkner (Vampire Elder), Daisy Head (Alexia), Oliver Stark (Gregor) and Brian Caspe (Hajna).
"Underworld: Blood Wars" is directed by Anna Forester written by Cory Goodman and produced by David Kern, Tom Rosenberg, Gary Lucchesi, Richard Wright and Len Wiserman, It is scheduled to be released in the United States on January 6,2017.
As to what is next for the Underworld franchise, Producer Len Wiseman revealed that the sixth film following "Underworld: Blood Wars" is also in development with Kate Beckinsale reprising her role as the Vampire death dealer Selene. However, details regarding the sixth possible film of the Underworld franchise is yet to be known. Wiseman also annouced the "Underword" Television series which is in the development phase.
Source: http://www.gamenguide.com/articles/67730/20161115/underworld-blood-wars-release-date-spoilers-updates-what-is-next-for-the-underworld-franchise.htm
"Underworld: Blood Wars" is an upcoming 2017 American action horror film directed by Anna Forester. It is the fifth installment in the Underworld franchise and sequel to "Underworld: Awakening" which was release back in 2012. Kate Beckinsale once again reprises her role as Selene. The main cast also includes Theo James, Tobias Menzies, Trent Garrett, Lara Pulver, Peter Anderson, Clementine Nicholson, Brent James and Charles Dance.
With that said the upcoming fifth installment of the action horror franchise "Underworld: Blood Wars" features a stellar cast. It will led by Kate Beckinsale (Selene) and Theo James (David). Other cast members are Tobias Menzies (Marius), Trent Garett (Michael Corvin), Lara Pulver ( Semira), Peter Anderson (Vidar), Clementine Nicholson (Lena), Charles Dance (David), James Faulkner (Vampire Elder), Daisy Head (Alexia), Oliver Stark (Gregor) and Brian Caspe (Hajna).
"Underworld: Blood Wars" is directed by Anna Forester written by Cory Goodman and produced by David Kern, Tom Rosenberg, Gary Lucchesi, Richard Wright and Len Wiserman, It is scheduled to be released in the United States on January 6,2017.
Source: http://www.gamenguide.com/articles/67730/20161115/underworld-blood-wars-release-date-spoilers-updates-what-is-next-for-the-underworld-franchise.htm
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